Who are Jan Wallen & Mary Wallace Jaensch?
We are passionate, seasoned professionals who are committed to helping successful, professional women design Next Career Chapters.
We both decided to leave successful careers because we wanted more.
Jan was bored, not challenged, and not making a difference in her corporate career. She felt exhausted all the time and she was missing out on things that were really important to her. She decided to start a business. She created the vision for her business, packaged her expertise into service offerings, and found clients in ways similar to how she did in her corporate sales and marketing positions.
Jan would have loved to have had more resources, advice and guidance to help her make this transition more easily and quickly. By chance, she heard someone talking about designing Your Lifestyle. It made a lot of sense to her to push beyond just thinking about business goals. Jan created the vision for how she wanted to live and do the things that mattered the most to her, which became the core around which she designed her business model.
In 2013, Mary began to ask herself “what’s next” to inspire and energize her after a career working in and for Fortune 100 Consumer Product companies. As she sought answers, she became aware of how many successful, seasoned professionals like her were asking the same question, and how no one was finding helpful resources or tools. She tried traditional transition coaches and websites, but kept ending up with the same answer: keep doing what you have already done.
One day a former consulting client introduced her to Design Thinking innovation tools. She quickly realized that these tools offered a path to create new possibilities in new directions that were better designed to enable her to feel how she wanted to feel while still having the work and life she wanted. Applying the tools, she found that they work quickly and easily to help her clients get to better opportunities more quickly.
When we met several months ago at an event in NYC, we quickly discovered our shared passion and complimentary skills and abilities. Immediately, we started talking about how much we want more women to know that it is possible to have it all– work they love, lives that fulfill them right NOW - even though so many other people are telling them to linger quietly in frustrating, exhausting situations that no longer work for them, waiting for retirement to have the life they want.
We believe that you deserve to do what you love at this stage of your career, knowing that you will contribute even more to the success of the organizations and communities that you serve and build because you are happy.
Our “superpowers” are:
We know that it is possible to create amazing Next Chapters based on our personal experiences and our many clients’ successes because we’ve done it ourselves and for our clients.
We’ll give you our proven tools and methods thatwill help you connect your dreams, desires and feelings to what to do so that you can create new inspiring and fulfilling possibilities.
We come from successful corporate and business careers, and know what it takes to green light your next career chapter, whether it’s your own business, a complete pivot or simply finding new ways to do what you love.
It was a simple step for us to say: let’s organize an opportunity for other seasoned professional women to learn that having it their way for their next Chapter is absolutely doable.
It is time for you to Green Light YourNext Career Chapter LIVE.